Sunday, March 27, 2011

“Rip is officially back in the mix!” (Is Rip Van Winkle Irish?)

My apologies for a week of no communication but it is all for the purpose of patiently waiting and seeing what would come of things. I have good news, Rip Van Winkle is now back in the Lit Support field. 

All of this has happened very fast I must say. It began with a recruiter submitting my resume on St. Patrick’s day, then being requested to meet for an interview on the following Wednesday, and then receiving the job on Thursday. I am still pinching myself behind the feeling I guess, and humbled at the speed of everything. I am a praying man and I don’t believe in luck, but is Rip Van Winkle really Irish? LOL! 

I have a long list of thank you’s to share, but at the risk of causing any problems and turning this blog into an “Oscar acceptance speech”, I will keep things private and personal. But there really is one person that I must truly acknowledge through this medium only because she steered me in this direction and encouraged me to express myself in this fashion so that others would have the opportunity to know me beyond just a resume or a short note through the forums and the message boards. I must acknowledge the Chairperson of the Organization of Legal Professionals, Chere Estrin for her encouraging inspiration and creative energy. I remember telling her, “I have no time” and asking, “What do I write about”? She challenged me beyond what I believed I was capable of achieving and shared incredible wisdom on how I should communicate who I am. I am grateful for her in taking the time and pouring out herself.  

I conclude with this point, this blog is not complete just yet. I have a few more things to actually say, so stay tuned. But again, thank you! To you readers and those who have commented. I look forward to potentially working with you and other Legal IT professionals as we continue to have a small impact in this industry for the good in the days to come. And if you are like Rip, just rising from the sleep, get up and get back in the game. Its worth the effort!

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